concepts collection
concepts refers to the fundamental building blocks of our thoughts and beliefs. They are ideas of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particulars; a construct. They arise as abstractions or generalizations from experience; from the result of a transformation of existing ideas. A concept is instantiated by all of its actual or potential instances.
concepts [kon-septs] (n.):
1. ecofinishes® concepts collection consists of 9 decors with an overall thickness of 12mm. 2. These decors come in two different constructions, which can be combined: standard or random length and width. 3. It is commercially rated with an AC4 wear layer. 4. Easy install with an angle-drop float click locking system. 5. Concepts is floorscore certified.
concepts [kon-septs] (n.):
1. ecofinishes® concepts collection consists of 9 decors with an overall thickness of 12mm. 2. These decors come in two different constructions, which can be combined: standard or random length and width. 3. It is commercially rated with an AC4 wear layer. 4. Easy install with an angle-drop float click locking system. 5. Concepts is floorscore certified.