everglades are a natural region of tropical wetlands. They are a tract of low, swampy land, especially in southern Florida, characterized by clumps of tall grass and numerous branching waterways.
everglades [ev-er-gleydz] (n.):
1. ecofinishes ® everglades collection is a WPC flooring in 7mm overall thickness with a 1.5 mil attached pad. 2. Offers a 7.25" width plank with a 20 mil wear layer. 3. Easy install with floating click locking system.
everglades [ev-er-gleydz] (n.):
1. ecofinishes ® everglades collection is a WPC flooring in 7mm overall thickness with a 1.5 mil attached pad. 2. Offers a 7.25" width plank with a 20 mil wear layer. 3. Easy install with floating click locking system.